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There are numerous reasons why we do all things in life, either positive or negative a reason is always behind it.
Considering the present economic situation expecially a country like Nigeria presently, a single income is not enouigh to meet up with daily needs not to talk of life of pleasure. So many people complaining here and there about unpaid salaries while the percentage of unemployed graduates are increasing in a geometric progression.
Out of thousands or millions complaining, dont you think there are some still living fine asides dubious activities or political influence. This is where the principle of MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME comes in.

My dear i can vividly remember that i started my first business while i was in 300L in Achievers University Owo which was far back 2011. My dad is a poultry farmer who had only a single income stream as a business man but things turned around when birdflu came in and birds started dieing in mass. My fees in school were unpaid which means i cant resume until i make at least half payment because its a private university. I finally resumed after 2 months when activities in school had already commenced. What remained after fees is feeding and other daily needs which was obvious that it wasnt available so i had to make do of all i had on me then to get into something reasonable.
I started a photocpying business with a friend's printer and that was how i got mine some months later and from 1 printer to 3 printers.
I lived to well in school till i graduated.
That is not the main reason why you are reading this. The reason is you need to be financially free which everyone want to be anyway. But out of that little salary you can still get to do a business.
We will list out some series of businesses you can venture into that will be profitable. You just sucsribe to our mail and keep yourself posted.
Image credit: google

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